Monday, October 19, 2015

Thrilling Adventure To Ancient Rome In A Time Machine.. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author..


Thrilling Time Machine Adventure..


Caesar’s Jaguar is set in the year 1963 near San Francisco at the University of California at Berkeley.


John Moore, a brilliant young scientist, invents a time machine and brings back to ancient Rome in year 79AD a fire engine red Jaguar sports car with the intentions of racing this beautiful automobile in the famous Circus Maximus Chariot Races


Danger, Deceit, Romance, Intrigue…


Click On Book Cover For Synopsis.

Hi res Jag Lights



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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hank Curci: Before You Can Make An Apple Pie, You Must First Invent The Universe..Carl Sagan.


Inventing The Universe..



Click On Pie For Outer Space Recipe.









Inventing The Universe.


It’s  4.5 billion years ago and in WWW.SPACENOODLES.COM which are free outer space greeting cards by popular SCIFI author Hank Curci,  we see a ball of space dust randomly floating through interstellar space.

The dust cloud, with the help of gravity, is beginning to form a center nucleus of rocks, broken asteroids, and other floating debris to eventually form our Star the Sun.

The sun fires of it’s nuclear furnace and, voila, we have a life giving solar system.


On Earth simple life forms began to appear like blue green algae then more complex plants.

Finally after some four billion years of evolution we find humans, tigers, whales and a total of nearly half million species of life on planet Earth Including Apple Pies and all of this came from a pile of space dust/junk and debris…

It sounds like SCIFI but it isn’t.

A great genetic engineering performance by Universe Extraordinaire.

WUNDERBAR to the Universe, The Universe that gave us this magical thing we call life…

We got to see the Universe…











Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Alcoholics Anonymous: Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. It Is the way it is. …By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.

How To Find AA Meetings in your Zip Code/Country...


Click On Little Angel




Angel & flower



Have Some Wonderful Quality Family Time Together With Children’s Outer Space Coloring Books.


Click On Little Green Lady.





Creating A New Universe…Cosmic Scars From A Crashing Universe…By Hank Curci SCIFI Author.


Creating A New Universe…



Multiple Big Bangs, Creating Multiple Universes, Creating A Whole New Set Of Physical Laws Within Each New Universe….





Little Green Lady From Neighboring Universe.







At one time SCIFI writers always had a field day creating Parallel Universes.

Neighboring Universes with Green Monsters showing up destroying Mother Earth and all her evolved life including humans.

This notion of multiple big bangs was thought to be an absurd fantasy and there was only one big bang and before it there was nothing….

This is changing.

The current belief is now leaning towards multiple big bangs that will last for many billions of years then slowly begin to contract back in to one small energy packet.

This energy packet then explodes once again creating yet another Big Bang and another Universe where our current big bang is only one of billions of Big Bangs.

Big Bangs that has occurred before us and this multiple process goes on forever each time creating a whole new universe .

Each time a new universe is created a whole new set of physical laws is also created with it.

Physical Laws of which we in this Universe would have no idea what they are .

For Example, another universe may not have gravity where all matter is stuck together with electromagnetic energy and not gravity.

This all leads to having millions of universes that are all closed systems called bubbles.

Further, it is now thought that these bubbles crash into one another causing devastating destruction and we now think there is evidence showing cosmic scars from crashing universe bubbles.

Click On Link To See Hank Curci's Outer Space Life He Has Created.



Some of this life comes from a neighboring Universe with passage through a local worm hole and/or galactic black hole…






Sunday, October 11, 2015

You Have Received A De-ja vu Message From Your Genetic Duplicate Deep Within The Milky Way Galaxy…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author

De-ja vu Message




Your DNA Is Randomly Regenerating In Outer Space Now As We Speak..


Your Intergalactic Biological Twin Says Hello From Outer Space.

Hank Curci’s Spacenoodles explores the probability that your DNA will randomly regenerate somewhere in Outer Space via Mathematical Probability.


You will live once again…but most likely not as a human being….are you alive somewhere in the infinite cosmos as we speak….


Hank Curci SCIFI and Adventure Author , who holds a Masters Degree in Mathematics from Stanford University, explores the possibilities of life randomly duplicating somewhere in outer space.


The possibility of your biological DNA Randomly Regenerating in some far off galaxy in the infinite cosmos so that you will live again, and again, and again….

In Hank Curci’s fun and informational FREE online greeting card web site called

Hank speculates that your genetic template is unique to you but has a chance of happening again via mathematical random probability.

He reasons that the number of genes that has to mix just right to regenerate your DNA is quite large… in the hundreds of millions of combinations and permutations to make a you.

But there are trillions of stars in billions of galaxies many of which have planets in orbit about them and hence the probability that you will be RANDOMLY mixed again is a  possibility.

It’s like playing roulette in Las Vegas, there are 38 numbers on the wheel and only one of them is a winner and hence the probably of success is one chance in 38 tries.

But if you played roulette a million times, you would make the observation that your favorite number of, say 17, will RANDOMLY appear once is every 38 spins of the wheel. 

The universe has billions of numbers on its roulette wheel but we are playing the game trillions and trillions of times hence your DNA will randomly pop in to the mix, you will live a life and die and it will happen all over again and again in the vast Universe.

By the above theory, you are PROBABLY alive now, several times over, as we speak somewhere in the cosmos but you would not be aware of the other duplications of you because they are independent events….SAVE ME A DANCE ROSEMARY IN THE NEXT LIFE .



Teaching Children The Great Universe That Gave Them Life: 

Click On Coloring Book Picture.








Wednesday, October 7, 2015

From Hyper-Space With Love…Flying Away To The Stars..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.


From Hyper-Space With Love.




Flying Away To The Stars






Click On Picture…




These fun Outer Space Coloring Books come across your home printer within seconds of purchase on a PDF file so there is no waiting for snail mail delivery or hard copy delivery charges added.







Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hank Curci’s Outer Space Educational Entertainment For Children And Parents…Wonderful Quality Family Time.


Outer Space Educational Entertainment:




Wonderful Quality Family Time Together.


Hank Curci’s World Famous Spacenoodles Outer Space Coloring Books Leading To Many Hours Of Wonderful Quality Family Time.









Spacenoodles Coloring Books Are Ebooks And Come Across Your Home Printer Via A PDF File..No Snail Mail Delivery Or Delivery Charges.




End Transmission

Monday, October 5, 2015

Thrilling Adventure To Ancient Rome In A Time Machine.. Danger, Deceit, Romance, Intrigue…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author..


Thrilling Time Machine Adventure..


Caesar’s Jaguar is set in the year 1963 near San Francisco at the University of California at Berkeley.


John Moore, a brilliant young scientist, invents a time machine and brings back to ancient Rome in year 79AD a fire engine red Jaguar sports car with the intentions of racing this beautiful automobile in the famous Circus Maximus Chariot Races


Danger, Deceit, Romance, Intrigue…


Click On Book Cover For Synopsis.

Hi res Jag Lights



End Transmission..

Hank Curci predicts by 2200AD computers will have cyber electronic networks evolving human awareness.. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author

Computer Networks capable of generating intellectual bio-synthetic DNA awareness same as humans..


Some Computers will be friendly…and some will not…






An Orbit City Directive..


In free outer space greeting cards by noted SCIFI author Hank Curci, Hank examines living with computers in the future of Planet Earth.


It took about three million years for our human brain to evolve where it is.


An amazing organic computer that can speak, think, love, write beautiful music, design airplanes, tall skyscrapers, build and organize wondrous spectacular cities with viable economies….the list goes on and on…what a marvelous evolutional invention…the human brain.


By the year 2200AD, Hank Curci speculates, computers will be so complicated, so fast, so multitasking holding billions of pieces of information that this cyber electronic network will begin to resemble the human brain capable of generating synthetic DNA.


These Computers will eventually pop into the realm of awareness and begin to have a mind of their own following the same evolutional path that the human brain did over a three million year period of time….except this computer evolution will only take 200 years and not three million years to evolve an intellect.


When this happens, computers could be friendly but they could also be unfriendly, militant and war like.


Hank shows the evolution of computers becoming intelligent and militant leading to a horrible computer mainframe vs. people war ravaging all of beautiful Planet Earth and reducing great cities to rubble.


The human being has become extinct from synthetic genetics rendering self induced extinction and have become non emotional life forms, at least non emotional by human standards.


The synthetic life forms build a spectacular city in orbit about Planet Earth called Orbit City and finally escape the horrors of war and the war mongering militant mainframes and live in peace for almost 700 years till the militant mainframes find them again.




Click On eBook Cover Below To See Hank Curci’s Thrilling Time Machine Travels..


Popular Future Adventures To Year 3000AD.


Roman Honeymoon new cover


See more of Hank Curci’s exciting short stories and Spacenoodles Outer Space Coloring Books at:






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From Orbit City Directive..