Sunday, July 26, 2015

Thrilling Adventure To Ancient Rome In A Time Machine.. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author..


Thrilling Time Machine Adventure..


Caesar’s Jaguar is set in the year 1963 near San Francisco at the University of California at Berkeley.


John Moore, a brilliant young scientist, invents a time machine and brings back to ancient Rome in year 79AD a fire engine red Jaguar sports car with the intentions of racing this beautiful automobile in the famous Circus Maximus Chariot Races


Danger, Deceit, Romance, Intrigue…


Click On Book Cover For Synopsis.

Hi res Jag Lights



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Thursday, July 23, 2015

When Gravity Went Away Life Forms From Outer Space Evolved A Magnetically Charged Physiology To Maintain Biological Equilibrium By Hank Curci SCIFI Author

Food Chain” Created By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author..

Intergalactic Life Forms Evolving A Magnetically Charged Physiology.



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“You Can Be Number One, Or You Can Be Part Of The Food Chain” Created By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author..






Winning Isn’t Everything…It’s The Only Thing..




“You Can Be Number One, Or You Can Be…



Food Chain 




Barns & Noble’s SCIFI eBooks By Author Hank Curci..




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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

SPACE: Universe Recycling All Life Back Into Star Dust…by Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.




Response From Subspace Frequency..


Universe Recycling Life..




Along The Way To Interstellar Oblivion...






Mars sunset







Along The Way To Interstellar Oblivion.


Nothing is forever, our mighty star, the sun, will die some day and beautiful little blue green Planet Earth will die along with it.

Earth will become a burned out cinder wandering off to be recycled back in to interstellar oblivion, there will be no more songs coming from our garden home Planet Earth.

But, along the way to infinity, the ageless Universe gave us this magical gift of life, a Universe asking nothing in return except to enjoy the wonders ..

We got to see the Universe and all it’s magic of life giving stars…








Thrilling SCIFI On Kindle, Sale Price $2.99, Check It Out.






From Subspace Frequency..

Circa Infinite Universe

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Beautiful Version Of Amazing Grace From Old Smokey Mountain Country Church...By Hank Curci, International Recording Pianist.

Amazing Grace


Click On Smokey Mountain Country Church



See Hank Curci's Popular Time Machine Thriller To Ancient Rome..79AD

Click On Book Cover For Synopsis..

Hi res Jag Lights


End Transmission

Circa 1850AD

Monday, July 20, 2015

Hank Curci Evolves Life In Outer Space….We Are Not Alone In The Vast Sea Of Twinkling Stars…


We Are Not Alone

In The Vast Sea Of Twinkling Stars…


Click On Little Green Lady



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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Finding Intelligent Life In The Universe…Rudimentary Life Like Algae Abounds Every Where In The Universe…Human-Like Intelligent Life Will Be Extremely Rare..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.


Finding Intelligent Life In The Universe…



Story Synopsis:

We found Life In The Great Star Clusters.. 

It Is Not Human Life, Nor Was It Expected To Be…


Skip Hopping From Star To Star To Continue Evolution Of Life..

Star Cluster NGC5139 Has Close Star Formations of three million stars that are two to five light years apart.

This Star Formation offers the best chance for evolved life to skip hop to a New Star’s Solar System that is just beginning life as the old star burns out.

NOTE: These Life Forms that Hank Curci Has created in the great Centauri Star Cluster are 17,000 Light Years Away.

Hence it would take 17,000 years for us to say hello to them and it would take 17,000 years for them to respond..a 34,000 year conversation.



Children’s Outer Space Coloring Books..

Click On Picture.







From The Ashes Of Intergalactic Violence, Life Had Begun Once Again On Planet Beta Centauri Located in the Beautiful Centauri Star Cluster 17,000 light years away..…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author


From The Ashes Of Intergalactic Violence...




A home star went nova destroying the fourth planet called Beta Centauri.


All life was extinguished..there were no more songs from this beautiful blue-green garden planet. 




For 250 million years her world remained dormant and devoid of all life.

The oceans boiled away and the atmosphere was snuffed out and all protein life on this beautiful blue-green planet was extinguished.

There were no more songs filling the air.

Then one day, deep in the underground recesses of this toxic world, a silicon compound of unknown origin began to move on its own.

A tell-tale wiggle that life had begun in the vast subterranean, silicon mud flats.

This time However, life was based on the ELEMENT SILICON and not carbon as we are here on planet Earth.

A whole new organic DNA chemistry was emerging.

It took another two billion years of randomly selected evolution for Silicon Sally and Jeb to finally emerge into what we see today…click on Sally and Jeb‘s picture to see their Star Cluster Family.





Star Cluster’s Silicon Sally and Jeb




Click On Picture Of Silicon Sally And Jeb To Send This Popular Hank Curci Free Outer Space Greeting Card.



Silicon Sally And Jeb Of Planet Alpha Centauri




End Transmission

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hank Curci predicts by 2200AD computers will have cyber electronic networks evolving human awareness.. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author

Computer Networks capable of generating intellectual bio-synthetic DNA awareness same as humans..


Some Computers will be friendly…and some will not…






An Orbit City Directive..


In free outer space greeting cards by noted SCIFI author Hank Curci, Hank examines living with computers in the future of Planet Earth.

It took about three million years for our human brain to evolve where it is.

An amazing organic computer that can speak, think, love, write beautiful music, design airplanes, tall skyscrapers, build and organize wondrous spectacular cities with viable economies….the list goes on and on…what a marvelous evolutional invention…the human brain.

By the year 2200AD, Hank Curci speculates, computers will be so complicated, so fast, so multitasking holding billions of pieces of information that this cyber electronic network will begin to resemble the human brain capable of generating synthetic DNA.

These Computers will eventually pop into the realm of awareness and begin to have a mind of their own following the same evolutional path that the human brain did over a three million year period of time….except this computer evolution will only take 200 years and not three million years to evolve an intellect.

When this happens, computers could be friendly but they could also be unfriendly, militant and war like.

Hank shows the evolution of computers becoming intelligent and militant leading to a horrible computer mainframe vs. people war ravaging all of beautiful Planet Earth and reducing great cities to rubble.

The human being has become extinct from synthetic genetics rendering self induced extinction and have become non emotional life forms, at least non emotional by human standards.

The synthetic life forms build a spectacular city in orbit about Planet Earth called Orbit City and finally escape the horrors of war and the war mongering militant mainframes and live in peace for almost 700 years till the militant mainframes find them again.




Click On eBook Cover Below To See Hank Curci’s Thrilling Time Machine Travels..


Popular Future Adventures To Year 3000AD.


Roman Honeymoon new cover


See more of Hank Curci’s exciting short stories and Spacenoodles Outer Space Coloring Books at:






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From Orbit City Directive..